Friday, December 31, 2010

Fundraising Cards

fundraising cards

A discount card fundraiser is the perfect solution when you need to raise money for equipment, field trips, uniforms or for any other reason. Churches, schools and other non-profit fundraising organizations have long depended on donations from businesses and individuals to meet their needs and goals; other than that, fundraisers are the usual method used to raise additional money

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fundraising Discount Cards are the Most Popular Fundraisers | The fundraising discount cards blog

It seems that recently, more and more people are turning to fundraising discount cards to raise the money they need for church and school groups or any other organization. There is always a need for more funds, whether it be for a special trip, new church van or for a new playground at the elementary school. Fundraising discount cards are the way to go when you want something that is easy and doesn’t involve a great deal of detailed planning.

Fundraising Discount Cards are the Most Popular Fundraisers | The fundraising discount cards blog

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Church Fundraising Ideas the Most Successful Ever

There are dozens of great church fundraising ideas that will help you raise the money you need quickly and easily. Of course you want to accomplish your goals in the easiest way possible, and make sure that everyone involved has a good time so that they will participate next time. If you are fresh out of church fundraising ideas, we have a few that perhaps have never occurred to you.

Church Fundraising Ideas the Most Successful Ever

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

School Discount Cards Raising Money for Your School Organization is Simple | The fundraising discount cards blog

School discount cards are a great way for any school group or organization to easily raise the funds they need. Every year, dozens of school groups need to raise money for new equipment, trips, uniforms and many other reasons. The football team may need new equipment, or band members may want to plan a summer trip.

School Discount Cards Raising Money for Your School Organization is Simple | The fundraising discount cards blog

Friday, April 9, 2010

Kickin Easy Fund Raising

Easy fund raising - if you have been put in charge of raising money for your group or organization before, you may think there is no such thing. In your mind, it required a lot more planning and organizing than you thought it would. There are times when it is necessary to raise funds for a school organization, church group or other benefit and you want to accomplish your needs in the simplest way possible. Easy fund raising can be a reality, but you do have to put some thought in to all of the details before you ever get started.

To begin, you want to consider the monetary needs and the ages of the group who will actually be raising the money. Children have a one-track mind; with this age group, you want to offer a product that is available instantly upon payment, so they don't have orders, catalogs and other things to keep up with. Easy fund raising begins with choosing the most profitable product that is suitable for the age group you are working with. By keeping things simple for younger children, you save yourself a great deal of stress and hassle as well.

Also, consider the actual products you choose, how easy they are to deliver, what is required as far as shipping, and what the profit margin is. Ideally, you want a product with a great profit margin. This means you do less selling, as fewer sales equal more money - easy fund raising for all involved! Common products sold to raise money are candy bars, jerky, popcorn, cookie dough, candles and catalog products. With many of these products, the profit margin isn't that great and you have to wait for them to be shipped, at which point you must go out and deliver them. This all amounts to added work that you would probably rather avoid.

There are other ways to accomplish easy fund raising that don't involve going out and selling or delivering products. Here are a few ideas that work well for school organizations and church groups:

Sponsor a festival in your community - A festival is an easy way to raise a portion or all of the funds you need for your cause. Include activities that are cheap and easy to offer, such as face painting, a Frisbee toss, sack races, volley ball and other things. Hold your festival at a local park or other location that is convenient for those who attend, and charge $2 or $3 for admission.

Raffles - Selling raffle tickets for a nice product is a simple and effective way to raise some of the money you need. When you can get a hundred or so people to buy a $5 raffle ticket (or more than one), it doesn't take long to build up a nice sum of money.

Discount cards - This is one idea that greatly contributes to easy fund raising, because of the perceived value and ability to support the local community. Neighbors, friends and others in your area won't mind spending $10 for a card that gives them access to great discounts at many local merchants! In the long run, your customer saves more than they spent on the card and feels good knowing they contributed to the community.

In order to accomplish easy fund raising, organize everything well ahead of time. If you have been responsible for planning in the past and realize mistakes you made, learn from them so that it's easier next time. Hold a meeting with everyone who will be involved, from those who will organize to those who do the actual selling. Everyone can discuss what action to take, and offer their opinion with ideas that will make the entire process simple and enjoyable for all involved. Prepare a plan of action, and you will see that there really is such a thing as easy fund raising!

Mark South
Easy Fundraising Cards

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Church Fundraisers are Often More Work Than They Have to Be

With church fundraisers (or any other for that matter), it’s important that you know exactly how many people will be involved in the effort, so that you can figure out just how much each person would need to sell in order for your efforts to prove successful.

Church Fundraisers are Often More Work Than They Have to Be

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easy Fundraising Ideas for School Organizations, Churches or Any Group Needing Funds | The fundraising discount cards blog

Easy Fundraising Ideas for School Organizations, Churches or Any Group Needing Funds

Easy and fundraising may seem like two words that don't belong together, particularly if you have been through this before. You're probably thinking that fundraising is anything BUT easy! That is absolutely true in many cases, especially with certain products that require so much detail and planning ahead of time.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

School Fundraising Cards Offer Big Profits For Your Cause

School Fundraising Cards Offer Big Profits For Your Cause

Church Fundraising Should Be Fun and Enjoyable for All Involved

Church fundraising is often necessary for those special activities, trips or equipment needed for the church or youth group. If you have been there and done that, you know that it can not only be a huge undertaking, but can be much more work than you bargained for. You may need a new bus for the youth group, money to take the children on a special trip, or funds for a new piano.

Church Fundraising Should Be Fun and Enjoyable for All Involved

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fundraiser Discount cards article
No matter what your cause, you will find that fundraiser discount cards make selling easy – and organizing is a breeze as well. When it comes to raising funds for any group or organization, keeping things simple and streamlined makes it enjoyable for everyone involved.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easy Church Fundraising Makes Your Mission to Raise Money Fun & Less Stressful

Easy Church Fundraising Makes Your Mission to Raise Money Fun & Less Stressful
Easy church fundraising starts with efficient planning. You need to determine how many in your group will be selling, how much money you need, and which products or services will allow you to collect the funds you need quickly, with little fuss or confusion.

Discount Cards for Fundraising Make Raising Money Easy & Stress Free

Whether you are trying to raise money for the church youth group, the junior high cheerleading squad, or any non-profit organization, discount cards for fundraising make collecting the funds you need easy and uncomplicated. If you have been through the process before, you know it can become overwhelming. Having to take orders, collect taxes or shipping fees, and deliver the order after the fact can be stressful. Why make things harder than they have to be, when discount cards for fundraising make the entire process simple?

When you are raising money for any cause, you want the process to be as stress-free as possible for yourself, the group that is participating, and the customer. This is especially true if your group is made up of elementary age children, who often have a hard time handling anything complicated. Discount cards for fundraising make it easy for the kids, and the customer loves participating in something that supports the cause and community merchants.

With many ordinary items that are commonly used in fundraising, the price seems a little exorbitant for the item the customer purchases. Discount cards for fundraising are very affordable for nearly any budget, and provide so much value to the customer. In fact, over one years time the customer will probably earn much more than they paid for the card in savings and discounts. These are savings on products and services they frequently use anyway, and they appreciate the savings.

Everyone eats fast food occasionally, and anyone who drives needs an oil change or minor repair done to their car. Most people enjoy a good movie every now and then, and hair cuts are another ordinary expense. Discount cards for fundraising offer savings and specials at a dozen or more local and national merchants, and the cards do not expire for one year. Imagine how many times a customer will use these cards, and you will see just how valuable they are - and how easy they are to sell.

Depending on the size of your group, discount cards for fundraising offer you a very nice profit. If yours is a small group and you order under 500 cards, your profit margin is still 70%! For larger groups that need 1000 or more cards, profit margins range from 100% and even more. Since these cards offer tremendous value at a small price of only $10 to your customer, it is an extremely effective and easy way to raise the money you need.

Sometimes, customers buy a product simply to benefit the church or school, and not really because they want the product. They may even feel a little resentment if the product they buy seems overpriced for the value it offers. With discount cards for fundraising, the actual savings the customer will experience make them feel that they have gotten a bargain for their money, which makes it a product that is super easy to sell.

Elementary age children, teenagers and adults alike enjoy fundraisers when they have a great deal to offer the customer, and the simplicity makes the entire process easy on everyone. The product is in hand, so the customer gets their purchase immediately which is another plus. Local and national merchants in your area gain business, which is a boost to your local economy. When you need to raise money for your group or organization, consider discount cards for fundraising. This is without question the easiest and quickest way to raise funds for your cause, while pleasing the customer with incredible value!

Mark South
Easy Fundraising Cards

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fundraiser Cards Are an Easy Solution For Your Group « Fundraising Cards

Fundraiser Cards Are an Easy Solution For Your Group « Fundraising Cards

At one time or another throughout the year, most groups or organizations need to raise money for a special cause. Fundraiser cards make the entire process easy from beginning to end! If you have participated in raising money for school or church groups or other organizations in the past, you know it can be a process filled with headaches. Fundraiser cards make it easy on the person who directs the event, as well as those selling the product. Customers love them because of the real value they offer at a minimal expense.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fundraising Cards for Schools Make Easy Work of Raising the Money You Need

Fundraising Cards for Schools Make Easy Work of Raising the Money You Need

Fundraising cards for schools are perfect when you are trying to raise money for the band, the prom, athletic program needs or any other school function or activity.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

College Fundraising

Campus FundraisingCollege fundraising is a fantastic way to raise money. Whether you are fundraising for a college society/group, for charity or just to help support yourself through what can be a very financially challenging period, with thousands of students around campus to appeal to, your fundraising efforts can be very fruitful. Here is a selection of college fundraising ideas.

Fundraising discount cards

Fundraising discount cards can sell very successfully in college. With so many students spending their money on similar things, there are many companies competing for their custom. Prime examples of companies competing for the orders of students are take aways. Another example is bars and clubs.

Arrange discounts by approaching local businesses. Ask for exclusive offers in exchange for promoting their food to students. Offers may include buy one get one free deals on pizzas before a certain date or perhaps free entry to a certain club on certain nights.

These discounts can then be collated on to a discount card, which comes about the size of a credit card. These cards are produced in mass for anywhere between 1 dollar and 4 dollars and can be sold for 10 dollars, leaving a healthy margin for profit.

Bar crawls

Students love to drink. And College Students Talking about Fundraisersbars love to take money from students. Approach bars and ask for discounts for a large number of students on a specific night, perhaps 50-100. Maybe arrange an initial payment in return for a free drink and entry for everyone on the bar crawl. Then sell tickets for the crawl, advertising the free drinks and entrance to the various bars. These tickets can be sold to members of a student group or course. Make sure to let them know the time and bar in which the bar crawl will start!

Fun runs

If you are raising money for a charity, a great way to get people involved and to bring in sponsorship money is through fun runs.

An example a fun run is a Santa run. Advertise around campus to get people to sign up for a Santa run for charity, in which as many students as possible gather in Santa suits to run for perhaps 3-5km. Ask for a pledge of a minimum sponsorship of $10 in exchange for a free Santa suit. Get people to sign up to a mailing list if they are interested, give them a sponsorship form (making sure that it explains on it what the charity does), and buy (cheap, under $10) Santa suits for everyone in advance. Then, a few days before the date of the run, advise people to bring their sponsorship money to you, in exchange for their Santa suit. Set a specific start time and course of the run (perhaps around campus).

Sport tournaments

Holding a tournament is a great way to raise money for charity. Book out a college playing field or indoor sports hall (depending on the sport) on a specific day, and advertise the sport tournament around campus. Ask for a fee for teams to get involved. Make sure people know who the money will be benefiting, or perhaps offer a prize for the winners.

T Shirts and bracelets for college groups

A good way to raise money for fraternities, sororities or college groups is to sell T-Shits or wristbands with the name or “brand” of the group on it. These can be produced in bulk cheaply, and can be sold to members of the group. Perhaps the T-shirts or bands can also be personalized with the name of the member on them.

College Fundraising is easy with Fundraising Discount Cards

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fundraising Discount Cards - A Great Way to Raise Money For Your Organization

Most organizations need to raise money at one time or another, and fundraising discount cards are an effective way to do it. Schools, churches, youth groups and other organizations often want to raise money for trips, new playground equipment, and other things that may be beyond their budget. Fundraising discount cards are a fun, simple way for your group or organization to raise the necessary funds for any purchase or event.

Some of the common methods used to raise money are candy and jerky sales, catalog sales and candles. While these do work, they do not provide continued value. Fundraising discount cards allow the user to save many times the price of the card. When you offer discounts and savings for as many as fifteen merchants in your area, those who buy will use the card over and over. Because of the value, selling fundraising discount cards is even easier than selling goods that are consumed. People want to perceive value in any purchase they make, especially in light of the economy.

When you decide it is time for your group to raise money, you need to provide a specific cause to potential buyers. People are much more apt to buy fundraising discount cards if they feel they are contributing to a good cause. You will want to inform prospective buyers that the money is going to be used for new band instruments, summer youth camp, or whatever your purpose is. Another reason that these cards sell so well is that buyers get instant gratification – you have the cards with you, so no waiting for a product to come in.

Why would merchants want to participate by offering discounts, free goods, or cheaper services? When hundreds or thousands of fundraising discount cards are in circulation, this drives new business to that merchant. This means new customers and increased profits. Most are happy to oblige, and you don’t even have to contact them yourself! By choosing a company that only deals in fundraising discount cards, you can rest assured they know how to communicate and negotiate with merchants, so that you have great deals to offer on the cards your organization sells.

Additionally, when you choose this route to raise the money you need, you support your local community. Those who purchase fundraising discount cards from your group will patronize local vendors, which is good for businesses in your area. As you can see, not only does your organization benefit from the cards, but those who buy them as well as the businesses who offer their services all win. Your group can easily raise the needed funds, those who buy get great deals, and merchants draw in new business.

When you decide that using fundraising discount cards sounds like a great solution for your group, make sure you choose a company that is dedicated to exceptional customer service. They will secure the merchants for you, print the cards and even educate you about organizing your fundraiser. Add to that the fact that there is no up front cost to you, and this is an excellent way to raise the funds your group needs. The best fundraising discount cards are very impressive! Your organizations name and logo, along with the expiration date, are printed right on the front of the card. These cards are the size and consistency of a credit card; not thin paper cards that are easily destroyed or lost.

For your next project, do something different. Instead of offering candy, popcorn, candles or catalog items, offer fundraising discount cards! The entire community will benefit, and you will have the funds you need. This is an easy and fun way to raise the funds you need and support your own community!

Mark South
Easy Fundraising Cards

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to write effective fundraising letters

How to write effective fundraising letters

How to write a fundraising letter
When starting a fundraising campaign, whether you are fundraising for a school, church or any other organization, an effective way to encourage people to donate is to provide incentives. Gaining support from local businesses and corporations through fundraising letters is a good way to bring in incentives such as prizes or exclusive discounts. It is possible to pay professional copywriters to produce fundraising letters for you, however this is not necessary. By writing and sending the fundraising letters yourself, you will save money and you will add a personal tone to the letter, which will allow you to outline the benefits of your cause with passion.

What are the benefits for the community AND the sponsor?
When writing a fundraising letter, it is important to emphasize the benefits that would come of the target company donating to your cause. Outline what you are raising money for. Why do you need this money? How will it benefit people in the community?

It is important not to forget that there are advantages for the company too, and it is your job to remind the recipient of this through the fundraising letter. Tell them how it will raise their profile in the community. Tell them how donating will align the company with the good cause for which you are raising money for. What will they receive for their sponsorship exactly? Where will you put their logo? Who will see this and what does that mean for them?

What? How? When?
It is important to be as clear and to the point in the fundraising letter. Be clear as to what you are asking from the company. This may be items which you would like to give out as prizes, exclusive discounts to include on a fundraising discount cards, or money. If you are asking for money, give a suggested donation size, and what that amount of money would provide. Give a tangible amount example if possible. An example of this can be found from charities such as water aid: “$3 a month, over a year, is as little as it could cost to help give a person safe, clean water for life”.

Make it clear how they should send the donation to you. Provide an address and a phone number. Make sure to include who they should make cheques payable to. Are you willing to pick up items that are donated in person? Make it as easy as possible for them to donate.

In order to stop the receiver throwing the letter in the to-do later pile, put a time restriction on the donation. Tell them when you are running your fundraising event. Tell them your goals. How much money do you aim to raise? When do you want to raise it by?

Increase the open rate and attention paid to your letter
It is likely that the person you are asking money from will receive other post a long with your fundraising letter. It is important to try and grab there attention from the start. By using a rubber stamp and an ink pad, stamp “IMPORTANT! Fundraising Discount Card enclosed” in red ink on the front of your letter. This should deter the recipient from throwing your letter straight in to the bin with promotional mail.

Make sure to use a P.S. In a single sentence reiterate what you are asking for and why, and thank them for reading your letter, and for any possible donation they can give, on behalf of your organization.

Make your letter easy to read
Break down the fundraising letter in to easy to read paragraphs. Separate different parts of the text with headings. Make sure to use easy to understand, positive language, but also appeal to the emotions of the recipient. Make it clear from the start who you are and what the aim of the letter is.

If you receive a donation…
Make sure to follow up donations with thank you letters and invitations to fundraising events! Send them a letter after the fundraising event to let them know how much you raised. Did you meet your target? Keep in touch with them and let them know what good comes out of their donation. This will encourage them to donate next time you are looking to raise funds!